Why your website needs Terms of Service
Most people think of Terms of Service (sometimes called Terms and Conditions or Terms of Use) as a very long statement full of legalese that is accessible only for companies such as Apple or Amazon that have the ability to pay thousands of dollars in legal fees. Terms of Service is an excellent way to protect a website and your business...
Why Your Website Needs a Privacy Policy
You know that an issue is hot if the Presidential candidates are talking about it - privacy and the role of companies in protecting that privacy is definitely up there in terms of popularity. It seems like every other day there is a new Senate hearing on the subject. But what does that have to do with your company?
How Your Website Design Affects the Value of Your Business
It’s pretty hard to come up with convincing arguments against having a website for your business. Not too long ago, business owners could still get away with saying it wasn’t necessary, although we all knew this was a sign they were behind the times. Nowadays, having a website is downright essential for the success of your business, and not having one is asking for failure.
However, judging by the diversity of designs we see out [...]
6 Ecommerce Blunders That Could Be Holding You Back
Today it has never been easier to open an online store. There are so many economical and customizable platforms available that you never have to go near a line of code. But while it’s relatively simple to set up, there are still some important details which, if overlooked, can harm your online business venture.
Whether you’re just starting out in ecommerce, or you’re looking to upgrade your current store – avoiding these 6 pitfalls should [...]