All About Web & Graphic Design

Website basics, website design projects, website tips, improving your website, and graphic design

Thinking about “crowdsourcing” your logo?

To many companies and individuals seeking design services the attraction and benefits of crowdsourcing (outsourcing a task to a larger group of people) seem like a win-win situation. On the surface, it appears that you don't have to worry about researching designers and contacting them on your own. You can get a large variety of designs to choose from for just a fraction of the cost of hiring a single designer or company. And on many crowdsource sites it seems very, "no strings attached" in that if you don't see something you like, you can simply walk away or keep asking for more designs.

50 Helpful Tips for Working With Designers

"It is our responsibility as designers to make sure our clients understand the basic principals of what we do for them during a project. This gives them a level of comfort and understanding about their project that will allow them to answer questions later."

This free ebook is a quick read of 50 solid tips on how to ensure success while working with a web or graphic designer.

What to do when you don’t really know what you want.

You know you need that website or print piece so you've hired a designer and you're ready to have them turn your dreams into reality. Or are you? In the 15 or so years that I have been working as a designer I have found that a percentage of clients really struggle when it comes to the actual design and making decisions on the project.

The Devil’s in the Details: How Church Websites Can Go Wrong

My favorite hobby is architectural photography, especially church architecture. In the past few years, I've seen hundreds, if not thousands, of church websites. For every one that's impressed me, I see a dozen that range from blah to awful. The sheer number of badly designed church websites has had me pondering one question. Why?

Top 10 Skills of a Graphic Designer

Graphic designers need multiple skills to pull of what they do. Here's a condensed top 10 list of those skills.

Two things that give designers a bad reputation …

Design is not a profession where a degree or certification is required. While this is not necessarily a bad thing in a creative field, it does completely open it up and one person calling themselves a professional designer might actually be someone with very little experience, talent or knowledge about design and working with clients.

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