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Top Ways a Custom Designed Website Will Help Your Small Business
In this article, I discuss some things to avoid and how a custom, professional website can help your business succeed.
Why your website needs Terms of Service
Most people think of Terms of Service (sometimes called Terms and Conditions or Terms of Use) as a very long statement full of legalese that is accessible only for companies such as Apple or Amazon that have the ability to pay thousands of dollars in legal fees. Terms of Service is an excellent way to protect a website and your business...
Why Your Website Needs a Privacy Policy
You know that an issue is hot if the Presidential candidates are talking about it - privacy and the role of companies in protecting that privacy is definitely up there in terms of popularity. It seems like every other day there is a new Senate hearing on the subject. But what does that have to do with your company?
What a Small Business Really NEEDS in a Website
Let's say you have a small business or professional office. You're not going to do e-commerce. You won't be taking payments online. You won't be communicating with clients or customers directly through your website. You just want to establish your online presence. What do you really need in a website?
Your website is not a daffodil.
It may seem a bit non sequitur but today while walking around outside and admiring the bright yellow daffodils that started blooming last week it made me think about how incredibly easy and maintenance free those particular flowers are. Since I design websites my next thought was how so many people kind of treat their business website like a daffodil.
How to Improve Your Website’s Visibility with Great User Interface Design
In today's industry of growing interfaces, user interface design (UI) has become more and more important. UI is vital for websites because users should be able to easily navigate and find what they're looking for quickly. Ignoring the importance of UI can result in a difficult-to-use site...