The DIY Dilemma: Why a Do-it-Yourself Website May be a Bad Idea
There's an old proverb which says; "A man who acts as his own attorney has a fool for a client." There's a grain of truth in that, not just for legal matters, but for any undertaking what requires specialized skills, from rewiring your office and repairing your delivery van to, yes, designing and building your business website. I'm not saying it can't be done, but is it worth the effort and risk?
What a Small Business Really NEEDS in a Website
Let's say you have a small business or professional office. You're not going to do e-commerce. You won't be taking payments online. You won't be communicating with clients or customers directly through your website. You just want to establish your online presence. What do you really need in a website?
Small Business Advice: The Only One Who Should Run Your Business Is You
There's no shortage of good advice for small business owners. There's no shortage of bad advice either. The internet has provided an explosion of coaches, gurus, consultants, and "experts".
Don’t Badmouth Your Own Business
"It's hard to get by." "The economy is so bad." "We really need to bring in more sales." "If things don't pick up......." It's easy to understand a business owner saying any of that. Cash flow problems and local economic conditions can seem like insurmountable obstacles sometimes. There's a problem, though. Within the past few years, I've heard all of those statements from business owners and staff, within fifteen minutes of walking through their door for the first time. I realize I'm expected to cluck in sympathy and join the pity party, but what I really want to say is, "What the hell are you thinking?"
Business Mistakes: Why Discourage Sales?
I've blogged before about how you shouldn't badmouth your own business, but I want to follow up another example of how giving the impression that you're desperate can damage your bottom line.
Handle With Care: Mixing Business and Religion
I grew up in a time when the old rule "never mention religion and politics in polite conversation" still held. The line "attend the church or synagogue of your choice" was about as close as you got. Friends or family could fight it out till the cows came home, but outside the church and the home, reticence and neutrality were the order of the day. As society becomes more varied and open to different beliefs, we might want to consider bringing back that attitude.